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Aug 18, 2022
ok so setup a file with all the functions you want and put return at the end then whenever you want to access all the functions just do this dofile('filewithallthecoolfunctions.lua') example of a cool file with functions local timers = {} function ezTimer(tag, timer, callback) table.insert(timers,{tag, callback}) runTimer(tag, timer) end function onTimerCompleted(tag) for k,v in pairs(timers) do if v[1] == tag then v[2]() end end end function stupidIdiot() return 'ahadfglhjkfajkgsd' end return; now in a different script file you can call it like this::: function onCreate() dofile('filewithcoolfunctions.lua') ezTimer(nil, 1.5, function() debugPrint(stupidIdiot()) end) end
Aug 16, 2022
i made all of these things ill update this as i find more scripts that ive made that are actually somewhat useful script that allows you to position sprites exactly (you can print out the x and y coords by pressing T) this is probably the most useful script here i use it like every time i am making a stage char = 'PUT SPRITE NAME HERE' origBitch = 10 bitch = origBitch function onUpdate() if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.LEFT') then setProperty(char..'.x', getProperty(char..'.x') - bitch) elseif getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.RIGHT') then setProperty(char..'.x', getProperty(char..'.x') + bitch) end if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.DOWN') then setProperty(char..'.y', getProperty(char..'.y') + bitch) elseif getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.UP') then setProperty(char..'.y', getProperty(char..'.y') - bitch) end if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.justPressed.T') then debugPrint(getProperty(char..'.x')..', ', getProperty(char..'.y')) end if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.SHIFT') then bitch = origBitch*2 end if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.CONTROL') then bitch = origBitch/2 else bitch = origBitch end end cooler timers that work kinda like haxeflixel timeres :))): timers = {} function ezTimer(tag, timer, callback) table.insert(timers,{tag, callback}) runTimer(tag, timer) end function onTimerCompleted(tag) for k,v in pairs(timers) do if v[1] == tag then v[2]() end end end --example here you casn deletet this function onCreate() ezTimer('stupid idiot', 2.5, function() --makes a timer that finishes in 2.5 seconds, all timers still have to have unique names! debugPrint('cool awesome amazing epic!') end) end same thing as before but with tweens tweens = {} types = {} function ezTween(type, tag, vars, value, duration, ease, callBack) if types[type] == nil then debugPrint('ezTween error! invalid type! stupid!') return; end table.insert(tweens, {tag, callBack}) types[type](tag, vars, value, duration, ease) end function onTweenCompleted(tag) for k,tween in pairs(tweens) do if tween[1] == tag then tween[2]() end end end function onCreate() luaDebugMode = true; types = { --important!!! ['x'] = doTweenX, ['y'] = doTweenY, ['angle'] = doTweenAngle, ['alpha'] = doTweenAlpha, ['color'] = doTweenColor, ['zoom'] = doTweenZoom, ['notex'] = noteTweenX, ['notey'] = noteTweenY, ['noteangle'] = noteTweenAngle, ['notealpha'] = noteTweenAlpha } end --EXAMPLE you can delete this function onCreatePost() ezTween('angle', 'stupid', 'boyfriend', 360, 2, 'cubeIn', function() --tweens boyfriend's angle to 360 in two seconds! debugPrint('oh yea!') end) end code for an event that blacks out the entire screen: blocking = false prev = {} function onCreate() makeLuaSprite('blocker', '', -250, -250) makeGraphic('blocker', 1920, 2000, '000000') setObjectCamera('blocker', 'other') setProperty('blocker.visible', false) addLuaSprite('blocker', true) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib', 'application.window.width', 1280) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib', 'application.window.height', 720) setPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'fullscreen', true) screenRes = {x = getPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.width'), y = getPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.height')} setPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'fullscreen', false) prev = {x = getPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.x'), y = getPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.y')} end function onEvent(n) if n == 'flash entire screen' then blocking = not blocking blockingCheck() end end function blockingCheck() setProperty('blocker.visible', blocking) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib', 'application.window.width', blocking and screenRes.x or 1280) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib', 'application.window.height', blocking and screenRes.y or 720) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.x', blocking and 0 or prev.x) setPropertyFromClass('openfl.Lib','application.window.y', blocking and 0 or prev.y) end indexOf and contains in lua function indexOf(var, table) --returns the index of something in a table for k,v in pairs(table) do if v == var then return k; end end end function contains(var, table) for k,v in pairs(table) do if v == var then return true; end end end THIS IS THE ONLY THING I DIDNT MAKE BUT I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT CAUSE IT WORKS BETTER THAN THE ONE BUILT INTO PSYCH!!! function split(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end local t={} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end makes a table into a string awesome function tableToString(table, sep) --turns a table into a string (ex: {'nice', 'cool', 3} -> 'nice, cool, 3') str = '' for k,v in pairs(table) do if k ~= #table then str = str..v..sep else str = str..v end end return str; end disruption modchart from dnb mod awesome!!!: krunkthing = 30 playerArrowsX = {732, 844, 956, 1068} opponentArrowsX = {92, 204, 316, 428} names = {'opponentStrums', 'playerStrums'} function onCreatePost() strumY = getPropertyFromClass('clientPrefs', 'downscroll') == true and 560 or 40 end function onUpdate() songPos = getSongPosition() currentBeat = (songPos/5000)*(curBpm/60) if not inGameOver then for i=1,2,1 do local daName = names[i] local daStrums = i == 2 and playerArrowsX or opponentArrowsX for i=0,3,1 do local huh = math.fmod(i, 2) == 0 and 1 or -1 setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'x', daStrums[i+1] + math.sin(currentBeat) * huh * krunkthing) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'y', strumY + math.sin(currentBeat - 5) * huh * krunkthing) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.x', math.abs(math.sin(currentBeat - 5) * huh) / 4) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.y', math.abs(math.sin(currentBeat) * huh) / 2) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.x', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.x') + 0.2) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.y', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.y') + 0.2) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.x', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.x') * 1.5) setPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.y', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, i, 'scale.y') * 1.5) end end for i = 0, getProperty('notes.length')-1 do local daName = getPropertyFromGroup('notes', i, 'mustPress') == true and names[1] or names[2] setPropertyFromGroup('notes', i, 'scale.x', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, getPropertyFromGroup('notes', i, 'noteData'), 'scale.x')); setPropertyFromGroup('notes', i, 'scale.y', getPropertyFromGroup(daName, getPropertyFromGroup('notes', i, 'noteData'), 'scale.y')); end end end
Aug 16, 2022
week 1image:: second week image!! 3ird wiek: FORTH WEEK! COOL VIDEO OF THE MOD: GAMEJOLT LINK: GAMEBANANA LINK: PRETTY COOL MOD !!!!!!!! IM ALSO DOING AN IOS PORT THATS PRETTY COOL!!!! look for the SECERT song maybe?!?!?! theres a secret song!!! shh!!!
FNF but GOOD! (awesome mod) content media


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