I, Heartina Rosebud, have made up a demo for my mod, which is currently in this link -> https://gamebanana.com/mods/337245
The mod must have four songs: True Blue, Rings, Shockwaves and Supersonic.
True Blue and Rings are what I made up already. True Blue has an instrumental version made by my good friend Leebert.
I need a few good composers to help create Shockwaves (the third song) and Supersonic the fourth and final song in my mod.
I also need some charters and coders, especially those who have Psych Engine, to help me code and chart Shockwaves, Supersonic or both.
Here's some stuff I made up for my mod: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r3stGDlKPJBiwfTYlVqFlSRcqU7NF1id
If you want to make fan-mods, please find some Sonic sprites in the mod-images folder.
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Id love to help with this mod it looks cool add me on discord here OwOwhatsthis#1690
I can send examples and stuff here