Hi!, first time here so I wanted to make a quick post for testing and such,
FNF Programmers/Coders (or just programmers/coders in a general sense), what are you guys most proud of? could be like some cool mechanic you coded in, a unique set of tools for people to mess around with, anything
I'm genuinely proud of this, it's a chart editor I played with for a Forever Engine fork, the original one was pretty barebones and unfinished, and I'm really happy with the result I got, although I didn't actually fully finish this yet
LUA Week 7 Cutscenes before the fla's were out
not only was it hell to work with but the timing had to so precise and it took like 3 days just to finish stress's cutscene
proud of it mostly because it had interactable features and was somehow more optimized ramwise than the official pscyh week 7
it's featured on Week 7 + if you want to check them out
your chart editor is cool as fuck btw vouch!!!